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2023-2024 Calendar

August 23                                         Meet-n-Greet (for parents)

August 25                                         Half-day preschool 9:00-11:30 a.m. (no lunches)

August 28-September 1              Full-day preschool

September 4                                    NO SCHOOL (Labor Day)

September 6                                    First Aftercare (optional)

September 6                                    First Chapel


October 4                                        Individual and Class pictures

October 6                                        First Safety Presentation

October 9-13                                  NO SCHOOL (Fall Break)

October 30                                      Halloween celebrations in classrooms (for parents)*


November 10                                  Parent-Teacher conferences (for Rainbow’s and Rising Stars)      November 13/15/17                    Three Days of Thanks (canned food drive for Graceworks)             November 17                                  Thanksgiving Feast (for parents)*

November 20-24                            Closed for Thanksgiving holiday


December 1                                    Grinch Day! (for preschoolers)

December 8                                    PAC luncheon (for teachers)

December 13                                  Christmas program (for parents)*


December 15-January 1              NO SCHOOL (Winter Break)



January 3                                         Back to school!

January 3                                         Ring in the New Year 

January 8                                         Registration/Enrollment opens for the 2022-2023 school year

January 15                                       NO SCHOOL (MLK Day)

January 26                                       Pajama Day!  (for preschoolers)


February 9                                        Dental Day 

February 14                                      Valentine’s Day card exchange/parties in classrooms 

February 16 & 19                            NO SCHOOL (Presidents’ Day)


February 26-March 1                    Dr. Seuss week!

February 26                                      Fox in Sox Day(for preschoolers)

February 28                                      Wacky Wednesday (for preschoolers)

March 1                                              Cat in the Hat Day (for preschoolers)

March 11-15                                     NO SCHOOL (Spring Break)

March 29                                            NO SCHOOL (Good Friday)


April 19                                               Parent-Teacher conferences (for Sunshines, Rainbows & Rising Stars)

April 22-26                                        Safety week!  (with the D.A.R.E. Officers)

April 22                                               Sun and Water Safety

April 24                                               Personal Safety lesson

April 26                                               Bike Rodeo


**TBD… annual assessment


May 3                                                   Mother's Day Tea (for parents)*

May 15                                                 Promotion Day at 11:00 a.m. (for families)*

                                                                   -PAC Teacher Appreciation luncheon


May 17-20                                           Staff Day(s)


Up to six (6) inclement weather days are accumulated and will not be made up.

*Calendar is subject to change and programs are tentative as COVID protocol may change throughout the school year

2022-2023 Calendar

August 22                                         Meet-n-Greet (for parents)

August 24                                         Half-day preschool 9:00-11:30 a.m. (no lunches)

August 26                                         Half-day preschool 9:00-11:30am (no lunches)

August 29-September 2              Full-day preschool

September 5                                    NO SCHOOL (Labor Day)

September 7                                    First Aftercare until 3:00pm (available for all students)





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